Six months of The Daily
It's been a little more than 6 months since The Daily first arrived on iPads, stirring up enthusiasm for a new opportunity for newspapers.
Shortly after launch, I reviewed The Daily and found it had some major issues but a lot of upside.
So, where are we at six months later?
I'd say the real news is that The Daily is still around.
Post launch, I read The Daily nearly daily until Rupert Murdoch put up a paywall sometime in the Spring. Frankly the interactive Sudoku puzzle was the big draw pulling me back day after day, so I subscribed for a few weeks, but then simply got too busy to hunt it down each day.
I recently resubscribed, on a week-to-week basis, to see what's up. The key changes are better navigation and sleeker design; optimized video that loads fast and streams cleanly; no app crashes; a new weekly Travel section; page remakes for big news during the day; and more interactive features such as You Write the Caption and invites to submit audio memories for stories like the 9-11 anniversary.