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Hanford museum opens Marchbanks exhibit 

I’m thrilled with the news that the Carnegie Museum of Kings County in Hanford has unveiled an exhibit on Marchbanks Speedway, which runs through Dec. 19, 2021. 

The exhibit is a long time coming, and I’m happy museum President Jack Schwartz has finally gotten this effort to the finish line. I have communicated with Jack several times over the past year regarding this exhibit, and I know how passionate he is about shedding light on Marchbanks in all its incarnations. 

It’s unlikely I’ll be able to get to the exhibit before it closes (I live in Colorado) but I encourage all race and history fans to stop by the museum and let me know what you think. 

And if you see Jack, be sure to pass along your thanks for doing his part to preserve an important part of Kings County and auto-racing history. I know he relied heavily, as I have, on grassroots support to help tell the track’s history. 

Admission is free, but the museum is encouraging donations and for you to bring a new unwrapped toy, which will go to the Marine Reserve’s Toys for Tots program. 

Here are two news articles on the exhibit: 

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