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1967 George Snider feature story

Click to open PDF of storyMike Griffith, the longtime motorsports reporter at The Bakersfield Californian, passed along a story I hadn't seen in my Hanford Motor Speedway research. 

It's a Californian feature story from October 1967, on hometown racer George Snider and previewing the first Champ Car race at Hanford. 

I've tried twice without luck to interview Snider for my history. So here's a 45-year-old story that fills in some of the blanks on Snider's experience at Hanford, Indy, Kearney Bowl and elsewhere.

RELATED STORIES: Read more about Marchbanks Speedway and Hanford Motor Speedway in my Marchbanks section, including the regularly updated "History of Marchbanks Speedway, aka Hanford Motor Speedway."

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