Here's another excellent TED talk that highlights the founder of, yet one more brave person who's gone out on a limb to make a difference in the world.
WikiLeaks is an important example of how bringing transparency to government activities delivers more good than harm. Yes, there will be instances when leaked information should remain private in the interest of national security. But those instances are very rare, and the pros of those infrequent slips far outweigh the cons of government without accountability. And as you'll hear in this video, Wikileaks sent reporters to Iraq to investigate the horrific allegations against U.S. soldiers accused of mistakenly ambushing innocent cilivians and journalists. It's not like they're posting raw video without vetting the information.
It's sad that a site like WikiLeaks needs to exist, but I'm grateful outlets like this allow people who fear for their lives or occupations to bring attention to problems of wide importance.