Yes, there's such a thing as a sexy plane.
Plane & Pilot magazine is asking as much in this month's issue. It lists a Top 10 of sexy civilian and military aircraft that has some no-brainers as well as some head-scratchers.
First, what exactly is a sexy plane? I think of sleek lines, a bit of menace and breakthrough technology.
The Plane & Pilot list has some great choices: the P-51, Corsair, Citation X, SR-71 and F-86 Sabre. And I'm thrilled the B-58 Hustler made the list. I saw a B-58 in person at an air museum on Tucson and was blown away by a craft that's both sleek and enormous.
The famed Concorde, which was retired several years ago.But where's the Concorde? The ME-262? The DeHavilland Comet? Bonanza?
I realize lists are by nature limited and prime for discussion, so here are some arguments for a few changes:
- The Concorde may look like a cross between a penguin and stork but the mix of sleek lines, massive power and impact on
DeHavilland Cometlong-haul air travel deserves some props. It will be years before we see an airliner that rivals its speed.
- The DeHavilland Comet certainly had a star-studded past, with a series of mysterious crashes killing its momentum as a popular airliner in the 1950s. But I'm a sucker for the design, which tucked four jet engines inside the wings. Very sleek and
Messerschmitt ME-262sexy, but I can understand why that death thing might cost it some points.
- The ME-262 was the world's first truly dominant jet fighter but World War II ended before its impact against allied fighters like the P-51 could truly be measured. The huge engines are ungainly but the fuselage is menacing beyond belief. I've seen the renovated model at the Amithsonian Air & Space Museum on three different occasions and am always struck by the menacing way the fuselage and nose looks like a shark. The Germans brought us some amazing technology before and during World War II and the ME-262 is one of the best examples of how far ahead of the Allies they were on many fronts.
And given the recent attention to Burt Rutan's legendary innovation, I'm surprised he wasn't awarded an entry. Maybe the AD-1?
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